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White Paper: Social Security, The Next New Trend For Financial Professionals

Free White Paper: Become the trusted advisor retirees turn to for Social Security help. Download our White Paper to learn why advisors with Social Security expertise are in an excellent position to add value to their client relationships.

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Sponsored by: The National Association of Registered Social Security Analysts (NARSSA)

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Register: The Future of Senior Health & Wealth for Financial Professionals

The Medicarians conference is designed to help financial professionals grow their books of business, provide even better support to their customers, and navigate the ever-changing regulatory landscape. If you have clients that are 50 years or older, this event is for you. Get a free ticket.

Let a tax expert do taxes for you, start to finish, with TurboTax Live Full Service.

TurboTax Live Full Service will match you with your own dedicated tax expert who has experience in your unique tax situation and will do your taxes from start to finish.

Official Forecast: 2023 Social Security COLA

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics just released the CPI-W for August, which means were getting closer to determining 2023's Social Security COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment).