What is an article submission?

Articles are an excellent way to drive traffic to your listing and promote your practice. The best part of all is that submitting an article is a free feature! The benefits of creating valuable content are:

  1. Creating an article demonstrates your knowledge on topics pertaining to finance.
  2. Every article you contribute drives traffic directly to your listing.
  3. Every article you post includes a link to your personal website or social page.
  4. Once your article is published, you will receive reputation points, which boosts your listings position in our search algorithm, ensuring your listing appears closer to the top. In fact, contributing an article is the biggest free boost you can use to promote your listing. Every additional article you contribute adds reputation points to your listing.
  5. Premium only: Links to your articles will be visible on your profile.

There are a few basic things you will need to know about successfully creating an article on our site.

  1. You need to have a free account, and you have to have claimed a listing. Since you will select the listing that will answer the question ( and receive the credit ), you must have claimed a listing before attempting to answer any questions.
  2. Your content should be relevant, useful, and decently written. Think about common questions you hear daily in your practice. You can also submit an article about any news you find relevant to the profession. Just make sure that the content you submit is accurate.

    Note: Do not for any circumstances plagiarize your content! We will permanently ban any account attempting to steal content directly from another source without warning.

  3. Your content will be reviewed by a moderator before it is published. To ensure the accuracy of the content submitted on our site, we will review all submissions manually before approval. We may make any changes we feel are beneficial to the content including grammatical fixes. This does not affect the points you earn by submitting.
  4. Do not submit spammy articles or content stuffed with too many links. We do allow links back to a relevant website of your choice in your content. We do not allow multiple back links to the same site though, so choose your links wisely. Use links to point to relevant charts or graphs for instance, or to a trusted source of information. Do not use them to send people to your Facebook page for instance. Besides, you’ll automatically get a back link back to both your website and to your profile from your article once published.